Individualized Sessions
I tutor on-line using Zoom, have one-on-one sessions, or a combination of both. I will also provide small group sessions. I will tailor-make each lesson according to each individual child's needs. I can help support their curriculum and skills they are learning in school and provide additional resources and extend the materials.
I utilize a reading program called READING A-Z. They have a wide variety of leveled readers with many different types of genre. I will tailor make each individual lesson for each student based on their instructional reading level. I will have multiple activities to complete after we have read the text to help comprehension and writing skills. Kids absolutely love these stories!
I have access to MATH activities and games using Education.Com program. They have wide variety of math activities, word problems, and math games that are arranged by grade level. They also have math assessments to see if the student has grasped the math concepts they are working on. These are fun ways to learn math skills that children will carry with them for a life-time!
I provide a program called Whizzimo to help struggling readers with SPELLING and DECODING SKILLS. This is a great program for dyslexic learners who need extra help. The program provides tiles and word chunks that the student can use to make words. This program also helps support students who are needing extra reinforcement in spelling. Education.Com also has lessons that support writing and decoding skills as well. These are kid friendly games and lessons that make learning relevant! Kids love it when they feel successful and learning is fun!

Let's Work Together
As a private tutor who develops very personal one-on-one relationships, it’s important to me that my clients feel comfortable and work on building mutual trust.